Contact ...

Here you will find important information like contact addresses and a general contact form for direct contact with the employees of FSD!



We look forward to meet you!

FSD-Folien-Service-Dtl. GmBH           

Im Bulloh 25
29331 Lachendorf


Tel.: +49 5145 285950    

Fax: +49 5145 285959               


Your contact persons:


Here you get the direct contact person for your specific wishes!


Where can you find us?


Create a precise route for a driving map right here!


Sichern Sie sich die Attraktivität des Standortes Norddeutschland


Sie mit uns!



Ensure the attractiveness of Northern Germany

as a business location

with us!



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Tel: +49 (0)5145 285950 Fax: +49 (0)5145 285959